I Had Nose Surgery Where They Cut Something Out to Help Me Breathe Better


Cosmetic nose surgery; Nose caper - nose job

Rhinoplasty is surgery to repair or remold the intrude.

Septoplasty - series - Septal anatomy

The septum is the gristle and bony partition that separates the two nasal chambers (nostrils).

Nose surgery - series

The nose is ready-made up of osseous tissue and cartilage. The size and relationship of the bone and cartilage which make up the nose determine the size and shape of the nose.


Why the Procedure Is Performed


In front the Subprogram

After the Procedure

Prospect (Prognosis)


I Had Nose Surgery Where They Cut Something Out to Help Me Breathe Better

Source: https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/surgery/rhinoplasty

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